Angie’s Blog

Every child learns differently, and that means kids need different supports to help them as they grow and develop. If you’ve been searching for ways to effectively help your child through learning difficulties, techniques learned in the BodyTalk Access Seminar can help.
The BodyTalk Fundamentals course can give you an edge in your field by providing you with the tools to understand why certain symptoms or patterns persist with an individual person. The BodyTalk System can truly customize sessions for clients by you allowing you to identify what to balance in their bodies and how to balance it.
If you’ve read about the amazing benefits of the BodyTalk system for overall health and wellbeing, but aren’t located locally, you are in luck as Angie offers this treatment virtually as well.
Are you tired of dealing with the damaging effects of brain fog? Worried about the amount of sick leave you are taking from work? With our upcoming seminar, BodyTalk Access, you can learn simple, effective techniques you can do to optimize your health. This means truly taking control of your health and your life!
At a global level, mental health illness and emotional health issues have continued to rise over the last several years. And then we were hit with a pandemic, increasing economic and emotional stressors and we find ourselves at a crucial point of repair.
If you work as a wellness practitioner or health professional in any capacity, you already have a penchant for healing others. The BodyTalk system combines the wisdom from both eastern and western medicine practices to facilitate healing that is grounded in the belief that humans have the ability to heal themselves.
There are tens of thousands of different types of microorganisms covering each millimeter of our gut lining. The ‘Gut Microbiome’ is the term used to describe the ecosystem of these microorganisms that inhabit our gut, it begins in our mouth and ends in the colon. These microbes are our tiny friends with benefits.
Due to the prevalence of chronic pain and the infectiveness and insufficiency of solutions to treat it, the government medical research agency of the United States commissioned a report in partnership with the Institute of Medicine to investigate this disorder. The core recommendation from the exhaustive 400 page report was that chronic pain treatments needed to addressed with what was deemed as “the whole patient”. Read more to find out what this entails
Everyone is probably familiar with “amplified stress” which exceeds the typical levels of natural stress. This “reactionary stress” is simply the body turning up stress levels in certain parts of our physiology to better cope with a trigger. Doing so is the body’s method of calling for a more active response during a demanding situation. However, extended environmental stressors can make things worse for the body.
America is facing an epidemic of staggering proportions, not one of physical illness or visible disease, but the mental struggles of chronic anxiety, depression and stress. 1 in 10 Americans currently take anti-depressant medication, but worse yet, the issue isn’t contained within the US. In fact, an estimated 121 million people struggle with depression globally. The problem only seems to be getting worse with the millennia, as the number of diagnoses has doubled in the past five years.
Migraines are severe, periodic headaches that affect one side of head or both. The causes of migraines are complex and vary for each client. Oftentimes, it is because several factors have accumulated and compounded over the years. Common features of migraines are visionary disturbances, confusion, nausea, disorientation and sensitivity to light or sound. These manifestations are usually isolated to one or both sides of the head. The main factor in migraines is stress or trauma, which block lines of communication within the body. BodyTalk treatments addresses this factor by restoring the communication.
In nut shell, a balanced body, mind, spirit, as well as a happy and positive attitude towards life, is the key to healthy ageing. Good eating habits, nutrition, and a regular exercise regime is an essential aspect and common factor of this equation to healthy ageing.
BodyTalk Access Seminar is a simple self-help program to work towards optimizing the anti-aging process and perfecting your own health and well-being.