How People Can Benefit from Mindscape
How People Can Benefit from Mindscape?
““Imagination is more important than knowledge” - Albert Einstein”
Open a window into the power of your right-brain creative mind.
With MindScape you will develop ways of engaging and enhancing your intuition and creative abilities. Mindscape opens vast possibilities in every area of your life and work. MindScape can activate your mind's real potential and open doors of opportunities and possibilities you never thought attainable.
MindScape is a fascinating weekend workshop designed to show you how to realign the workings of your alpha mind and create a mental framework essential for success
How People Can Benefit from Mindscape
1. Stress release -
What are the main benefits of Mindscape? According to Angie, the first benefit is stress release. “When you are in a relaxed state of mind, free from stress and anxiety, you can function at the optimum level. Once you are in that zone, your creativity is heightened, and you are able to find the answers and solutions to your problems. You connect to your core strength, your potentials and your environment better. A lot of times, the solutions and opportunities are all there, but you can’t perceive them because the five senses are over-stimulated. Even if you have never meditated before, Mindscape can be a good start,” she explains.
Angie says some people find it difficult to meditate. But with Mindscape, they can get into the alpha state of mind through a simple, step-by-step process of visualization. In addition, one can stay in that state throughout the day instead of just during a short period of time as in meditation.
2. Memory and Focus-
For comprehending and retaining information during one’s studies, Mindscape can be an extremely useful tool. Angie says when she was training to be a certified BodyTalk instructor, she had only one month to study all the complex anatomical materials that would have required a full year’s study. “It was crazy, especially for someone without a scientific background. I missed 70 per cent of the course, but I wanted to take the exam anyway. With the help of Mindscape, I passed the exam with a high score. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Mindscape.”
In addition to learning, Mindscape also helps one overcome personality traits that may get in the way of achieving one’s goals. Angie recalls: “I was extremely shy before, but to be an instructor, I had to stretch my boundary and get out there to teach. Mindscape helped me to manifest this goal.”
3. Goal Manifestation-
Mindscape may sound like a magic bullet for whatever you want to achieve. Or is it? Angie explains “when your conscious and subconscious mind is in alignment with what you want to manifest, manifestation happen instantaneously. If there is a conflict between your conscious mind wanting to manifest something whereas your subconscious mind having a limiting or a contrary belief system for the same, this blocks your manifestation. The subconscious mind is your hidden manifester, therefore only working with your conscious mind through positive affirmation and external efforts isn’t always effective.”
While using the Mindscape workshop, which is your altered and relaxed state of mind, you are connected to your hidden manifester the subconscious mind and you are able to tap into your potential and manifest your goals.
4. Conflict Resolution -
Another significant benefit of Mindscape is that it can help us resolve relationship conflicts. How? “When you are talking to people, you are basically talking to different belief systems,” observes Angie. “You are talking to their ego and logical mind. You might get hurt. The conversation may never get to the essence of things. But once you are using the Mindscape tools, you bypass all these. You bypass the ego, the limiting belief systems, the expectations and past hurts. Instead, you are directly connected to the core of the person. And when you communicate at that level, miracles just happen. Finally, you are talking from your essence, and you are being heard.”
It’s not just about saying what you want to say, but also seeing the perspective from the other person. When you see the bigger picture, then your understanding increases and that’s how conflicts can be resolved.”
On the professional level, Angie has been able to connect with her clients on a deeper level. “Any professions that deal with people, such as therapists, human resources managers and trainers, will benefit greatly by using this tool to connect with their clients or colleagues.”
Does it mean that however you want to sway a relationship, it will go your way if you use Mindscape? Angie stresses that you cannot manipulate or control another person this way.
“The world is merely a reflection of your subconscious belief system, and other people are simply playing it out. When you are in the alpha state of mind, you can see clearly what your limiting belief system and emotional blockages are. These are what prevent you from seeing a person or a situation for what it is, instead of seeing it through your filters or experience all the time. Then and only then will you be able to see through where the conflicts and differences come from and be able to work things out. And once you have made the shift, everything around you will shift. You will see people changing along with you. It’s all about you, not the others.”
Who Should Learn Mindscape?
Anyone can benefit from this powerful mental technique. But Angie recommends it particularly to students, athletes, artists and the busy professionals. She observes that students in Hong Kong are under tremendous pressure to excel in order to get into the best schools. “With Mindscape, it will be a breeze to retain information and tap into their mind power.”
For athletes or anyone who is into sports, Mindscape can help them rehearse their activities from the mental space so they can excel in their physical performance. Similarly, for artists, Mindscape will open the floodgate to inspirations.
“For anybody engaged in highly stressful professions, such as bankers and lawyers, you can put your stress aside and see your efficiency, decision making ability and finances shoot up the roof,” Angie says.
Last but not least, Mindscape can be an excellent tool for enhancing meditation and personal growth. As the Indian spiritual teacher Nisargadatta Maharaj has once said:
““All you need is already within you,” Mindscape can literally help us get to what is already inside us in a systematic way.”
For more information, on upcoming MindScape Seminars please visit or contact Angie Tourani at