Boost your immune system naturally

Our immune system is integral to our bodies' overall health and functioning. A healthy immune system protects us from illness and allows us to fight infection. If you are focused on improving your health or overcoming a medical condition, paying attention to the function of the immune system is essential. 

What does the immune system do? 

Our immune system is made of immune cells and proteins whose job is to fight outside invaders (germs, bacteria, viruses, and toxins) from entering the body. The secondary job of the immune system is peacekeeping, which is tolerance of our environment, human cells, and internal microbiome, which helps prevent auto-immune conditions.

How is a robust immune system essential for those with auto-immune conditions? 

A properly functioning immune system can identify which exterior factors are harmful to the body and which ones aren’t. When an autoimmune condition impacts someone, the immune system views everything as a threat, and the body will overreact and attack the healthy tissues. This overreaction can lead to inflammatory symptoms. 

How do Covid and other respiratory conditions impact the immune system? 

Many lingering symptoms from Covid or similar respiratory illnesses can slip the immune system into a space of over-reaction or inflammation. As Angie Tourani, BodyTalk practitioner, explains, this has become a typical response to these conditions in recent years. 

“ In many people, Covid could have created epigenetic markers which tip the immune system into inflammatory mode or activate autoimmune conditions,” says Angie. “Epigenetics are very much affected by the environment, which can be toxins, heavy metals, or viruses. This can compromise the immune system’s awareness of identifying viruses and discerning the environment.”

Angie explains that using techniques in BodyTalk system can help combat symptoms from long COVID-19 and autoimmune conditions by boosting the overall functioning of the immune system. 

How does BodyTalk boost the immune system naturally? 

“The BodyTalk system functions on the belief that our body is incredibly intelligent and has the ability to heal itself,” explains Angie. “This means communicating with the body and listening to its unique story to understand what is blocking the immune system from performing.” 

Our immune system is sophisticated, and the BodyTalk treatment identifies stressors slowing down its ability to function correctly. These can be accumulated toxins, environmental factors or psycho-somatic stressors. BodyTalk is a holistic approach and looks at the body in its entirety. 

“It’s not about improving the immune system; it’s about clearing what’s blocking it from the optimal state of balance and functioning,” says Angie. 

What successes can clients see with immune system functionality and BodyTalk? 

Angie has seen incredible results from clients looking to recover from respiratory illness impacts or overall side effects from autoimmune disease. Symptoms like allergies and intolerances, inflammation, and dizzy spells (to name a few) can be resolved or diminished by boosting the immune system. By clients seeking treatments with Angie both in person and online, she has seen conditions and symptoms resolve entirely themselves. 

Learn more about BodyTalk and book a session with Angie here